here is part 1 to the conversion, feel free to ask questions.. i will have a list of parts and lots of pics to follow ...
and b4 i start this i want to give a thank you to kckid1695 for giving me pointers and steering me in the right direction, thanks!!
parts i used and ohh yeah i replaced a stepper motor while i was in there (white circle thing)...
ok this is the stuff you'll need 20pack of 5mm leds, 50 pack of 3mm leds (all flat tops and 180* view) and 50 pack or more i dont know yet of resistors 470 ohm 1/4 watt ...

this is what you start with...

this is what a stock bulb looks like just toggle it back and forth till it pops off they are lightly soldiered on...

ok it is very important to make sure your positives and negatives are in right, your leds will be easy to tell the long leg is positive but when you soilder them to the board make sure you have them like i have them, the resistors are soildered to the positive leg, i took very close up front pics so it shouldn't be a problem to tell , this will save you hours of trouble shooting...

the gauge cluster is where you will use the 5mm LEDS
no 3mm LEDS in there...

this is the dimmer switch with a 3mm LED ... when done..

this is how i added lighting to the dimmer switch because from factory there is no bulb for it...


new video as of 11-24-09...
