Welcome! | Borowski Racing |Third Shift Studios |Sponsored by Taylor Wires!!! |Sponsored by PowerMaster!!! | Sponsored by FrozenBoost!! |Sponsored by US Speedo! |
  • McMahan
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
15 years ago
sorry I havent been on in a while I have alot of crap going on here at home ect. I feel bad cause i havent chatted with most of you in a long time. I just wanted to check in. as some of you may know I have had a big long streak of bad luck. I had to turn the internet off at home to help support my family back in TN I will give you guys my email i will give yall my cell# too cause thats basically all I have to comunicate with yall

I have two emails



dont be a starnger give me a shout also my aim screen name is


hope to hear from yall ttyl

Site Sponsor.. FROZEN BOOST http://frozenboost.com/ Site Sponsor.. US SPEEDO! http://www.usspeedo.com/ Check them out for your custom Cluster needs! Site Sponsor.. Wegner Motorsports http://wegnerautomotive.com/ They make bad ass valve cover and incredible engines for these trucks! Site Sponsor .. PowerMaster http://powermastermotorsports.com/
15 years ago
Good luck on a quick recovery Justin...remember it can't rain all the time
  • Bonj87
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • Administration
15 years ago
We wish you a very speedy recovery. we all know how hard it is out there these days. I just traveled to TX and back last weekend to do a side gig for a company to make more money.
I feel ya.
  • McMahan
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
15 years ago

Good luck on a quick recovery Justin...remember it can't rain all the time

brobradh77 wrote:

It does in Seattle lol