Welcome! | Borowski Racing |Third Shift Studios |Sponsored by Taylor Wires!!! |Sponsored by PowerMaster!!! | Sponsored by FrozenBoost!! |Sponsored by US Speedo! |
  • Bonj87
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • Administration Topic Starter
16 years ago
Welcome to the new site!
If you are here, you have found our new network and we welcome you. We decided to create a new network for Silverado and GM truck owners to spur a new community. A community where everyone is free of the tyranny of other sites. Here you are free. Free to practice your US Constitutional right to free speech. You are allowed to speak your mind and say what you want, without fear of reprisal from the admins or mods here. If an admin or mod does infringe on this right to free speech, feel free to contact me, or the SilveradoAdmin , and we will deal with that situation. You may NOT attack others. That is NOT one of the gurantees of free speech. You may not defame others. You may not harass others in any way. Free speech freedom, as wonderful as it is, is protected by the law, but must also follow guidelines within the law to retain that protection.

Our basic preamble , which hopefully will be amended to in time, goes a little like this:

We the Drivers, to form a more perfect union establish Justice, Insure posting Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this site for the GM Vehicles, most importantly the Chevy Silverado to post and communicate in freedom from those who wish to oppress and defame. This is our site, this is our community, this is our network of owners, treat it well, and it will treat you well.

-The SilveradoSS.NET Team

Site Sponsor.. FROZEN BOOST http://frozenboost.com/ Site Sponsor.. US SPEEDO! http://www.usspeedo.com/ Check them out for your custom Cluster needs! Site Sponsor.. Wegner Motorsports http://wegnerautomotive.com/ They make bad ass valve cover and incredible engines for these trucks! Site Sponsor .. PowerMaster http://powermastermotorsports.com/